Token name: Lobster Token.

Token symbol: LB.

Total supply: 1,000,000 always and forever, with no token minting functions.

Transfer tax: for each transfer / buy / sell, there is a tax of 15%, so setting slippage to 18% ~ 20% is recommended for successful buying or selling.

  • 3% goes to liquidity with LP tokens burnt.

  • 6% used for USDT dividends.

  • 6% goes to treasury for development and community growth.

Automatic USDT dividend: periodically, the system will distribute USDT dividends to LB holders with at least 10,000 LB.

Token distribution:

  1. 20% presale for launch pad, 0.05 USDT / LB, totaling 10,000 USDT.

  2. 50% for liquidity.

  3. 20% treasury reserved for selling only after LB price goes above 0.5 USDT. The sales revenue will be used to buy back BUTTER at both HECO and BSC. 50% of the buy-back BUTTER will be burned immediately and 50% sent to NFT reward pool. If price never reaches 0.5 USDT, the treasury will be kept in the code wallet protected vault with no selling.

  4. 5% airdrop to the same BSC address of all HECO board members for free based on weighted parameter of board duration and board holdings.

  5. 5% for project development. Only permitted to be sold when price goes above 0.5 USDT. Otherwise, no selling.

Price protection mechanism: if LB price drops to below 0.05 USDT, we will buy back up to 250,000 LB (total presale + total board airdrop) and add them to treasury reserved.

Bonus: after 1 month of launching, LB holders with at least 10,000 LB will get an airdrop NFT gift in BSC - Red Lobster.

Liquidity lockup time: 30 days. After the lockup time, all LB obtained from our removed LP will all be burned immediately. User contributed LPs will not be affected.

Launch pad rules:

  1. Whitelist Round: top 10 winners and 5 lucky winners will be whitelisted, each with 100 USDT quota. Top 5 HECO board members's BSC addresses (same address) with most staked BUTTER by the time before the launching starts will also be whitelisted. Total quota is 2,000 USDT.

  2. Early Whale Round: each address can participate 100 ~ 500 USDT. Total quota is 6,000 USDT.

  3. Early Bird Round: each address can participate at most 100 USDT. Total quota is 2,000 USDT.

  4. 25% of LB unlocked immediately after the launching, then each week 25%.

Last updated